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Latest Tailwind CSS

We build responsive, mobile-first themes with the world’s most popular front-end component library.

Core Web Vitals

This theme is optimized by Google Core Web Vitals features.

Built with Npm

Integrated with Npm tool, making your project automatic and easy to running.

Built with Default Classes

Easy to change Colors, fonts, sizes and all element from html file.


Integrated with browsersync, make your browser automatic reload. This will make your project easy.

Premium Plugins

Included alpine js, premium plugin and custom js for make your site more attractive.

Full documented

Components, plugins, and build tools are all thoroughly documented with live examples and markup for easier use and customization.

Fast Loading Time

We uses lightweight plugins and components to optimize loading speed.

TailPro – Tailwind CSS Templates

Fastest, Lightweight, and Highly Customizable Tailwind CSS templates

Tailwind CSS templates

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$ 29

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Core Web Vital Optimized

You must already know that Google will make algorithmic changes in 2021, especially the Core Web Vital that will affect the SEO ranking factor. Web vital is the metric that Google looks at on how fast the page loads, How interactive, How stable it is. So basically it’s a tool for measuring the user experience on your site.

core web vital html template

We have also optimized template for Core web vital, so it will be easier for you to optimize your site. You can test performance in

Html Template Features

Not only will your website be fast, but you will also have
the latest features that will make it attractive.

Core Web Vital Optimized

Fully Responsive

Google Fonts

Bootstrap Icons


Free Source Images (link)

Npm Software

Sections example

Clean Code

Tailwind Components

Well Documented

Progressive Web App

Free Updates

Flickity Carousel (premium)

Lightgallery js (premium)


Typed Animate

Device Frame Screenshot

Hc Sticky

Wow Js

Animate Css